Sunday, 4 January 2009

Thoughts on Life after Death

That's a BIG title with much to say. I was bought up with Sunday School/choir and education in a Church of England School. As teenagers if we wanted to go to the church youth clubs we had to attend church, and so we did. We went to the different churches in turn, including Methodist and the Salvation Army, Catholic too. I loved it all, but have to admit that I feel much is missing in the modern church. I hope I don't upset anyone by saying that, but it is just my opinion. My God is the God of the Universe/World, the same God for all religions and is with us all whatever we believe. The last time I went to church was some years ago at Christmas with my family and grandchildren. Mary did not figure in the Christmas story apart from a passing remark, Joseph rode to Bethlehem on a pushbike with a knapsack of disposable nappies and a plastic babybath. Children ran riot over the altar and there seemed to be no respect from parents and children alike. I don't believe you can try to bring the Christmas story up to date.

My father believed in life after death and always said his mother came to see him after he had died (passed or whatever word you would like to use). He said he would do the same and he did. I had several experiences while he was by my bedside in the middle of the night. His scent was so strong and I just knew he was there. I was 26. For the nights that he came, he also visited by daughter who was 6 at the time. She asked me to ask Grampy to stop tickling her feet in the night as he woke her up :-) And so I firmly believe in some kind of afterlife. Maybe I will blog about my belief later.

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