Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Time is flying by and no hospital appointment until the 19th when we will discuss the AIHA/treatment question again.

The effects of the steroids are well documented by others, but I have never read anything about what I describe as a kind of 'humming' or 'hovering'. When I wake in the quiet of the morning, I find my chest is vibrating very, very gently (as if waiting for takeoff) with a kind of silent humming. It's not an unpleasant feeling at all, just something I haven't felt before. It's not like my clumsiness where I drop everything in sight because the steroids make me shake so much. This is very different. And I wonder if this is a preparation for my leaving my body at a later stage? Is it my energy/ soul/ light/my essence? Now I don't find this scary because as I have blogged before, I believe I will go on in another life/world/whatever when I die, but it is very comforting for me to think this. I wonder if it will stop if/when the steroids stop? I will let you know.....

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