Sunday, 13 February 2011


I have been on Prednisolone for over 2 years now for AIHA. Starting at doses upto 60mg a day and decreasing, each time I get to about 10 mg a day I suffer terrible heartburn with pain radiating into jaw/teeth. When I get the dose to 10mg or lower the AIHA has returned. I am now on my 5th withdrawal and again at 10/5 mg on alternating days my heartburn is scaring me. In 2009 it was so painful I ended up overnight in hospital as a suspected heart attack (I have a history of angioplasty for angina).

I currently am also taking Azathioprine (immune suppressant), Penicillin V and Septrim (both antibiotics), Aciclovir (anti viral), Omeprazole (for tummy), folic acid.

I had a splenectomy last July for the AIHA and whilst in hospital again in October with a chest infection and breathing problems it was discovered that I was hemolysing again. Prednisolone was restarted at 60 mg a day together with Azathioprine which is hoped to take over from the Prednisolone. As well as the heartburn I have the shakes, general weakness and palpitations (which is to be expected after so long on this drug). I am a complete addict where this drug is concerned and life seems permanently one round of withdrawal symptoms. I am also recently diagnosed with a 'bit' of emphysema in the top of both lungs and damage to both lower lungs from past pneumonias/chest infections and 'some degree of pulmonary collapse' from the splenectomy.

Each withdrawal takes longer and this time it has been extremely slow and difficult. As an 11+ year cller I appreciate that I am an 'old hand' at cll and its various twists and turns, however, any advice would be appreciated.

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