Thursday, 27 January 2011


After my last stay in hospital and visit to Wales, I still had a lot of trouble with my breathing. Lung function tests were done and happily my breathing is now better. However, yesterday I saw a lung specialist and his findings (taking into account CT scan of lungs and some more lung function tests) are
1) a bit of Emphysema in the top of both lungs causing loss of lung tissue 2) the bottom of both lungs have scarring from previous infections and possibly the splenectomy.
3) This has reduced my lung capacity by 25% over all.
4) No significant narrowing of airways and not Bronciectasis

Now this seems a big deal to me. Emphysema is a very scary word and under the heading of COPD. His advice was try not to get any more chest infections (3 pneumonias so far with my CLL + the chest infection last October)- all very serious and requiring hospital in-patient treatment.

Meanwhile I am still strugging with Prednisolone withdrawal. I could do with some really good news.

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