Saturday, 16 January 2010


A new year. A time I always thought of as being a new start with everything to look forward to.

But with the this disease......My last post shows I had been told there was no evidence of haemolysing (AIHA). Mmmmmmm. However, destruction of red cells continues. Yes, haemolysing has not gone away. My Prednislone dose had got down to 5mg and the pattern of the past year is that once at this dose for a couple of weeks, the destruction of the red cells starts again, which is what has happened. I have had a bone marrow biopsy this week (not the most pleasant of procedures) and depending on the result and discussion with the rest of the hospital team, I will learn on 1st February if I am to have my spleen removed. This, it is hoped, will help with my red cells.

I am tired of living with CLL and I am depressed. Ten years is a long time to be ill. I would like to book a holiday in the sun and go away and relax for a couple of weeks. But I don't feel well enough to travel far and travel insurance is a nightmare at the best of times. Travel Insurance.....maybe another topic here.


Brian Koffman said...

What we all need is a vacation from CLL. The auto-immune complications are particularly annoying

I have had no trouble with pretty cheap travel insurance covering prior conditions as long as you follow their rules

Stay strong. We are in in this together

Brian, 58 yr family doc & father of 4, dx 9/05 del 11q unmutated, CD38+, ITP 9/06 failed steroids, IVIG , Rituxan and splenectomy controlled w cyclosporin A & Rituxan combo. RIC MUD HSCT July 1/08 was CR w BMB MRD neg. - lost graft w growing nodes at 6 months 2.8% BM involvement and ITP again at 13 months, controlled w IVIG see

soapy said...

Yes we do need that holiday. However, having had previous heart disease as well as CLL and AIHA and 3 hospital stays from Sept to Nov 2009, my chances of being covered for CLL is very slim. In the UK we do not usually have private insurance unless provided by our employers. With the NHS luckily enough we don't usually need it. So I can travel within the UK but there is no sun at the moment :-)