Sunday, 6 September 2009


In no particular order,

1. I am a wife who loves and is loved

2. I am a loving Grandma to 2 beautiful granddaughters

3. I am a good mother

4. I am a sister

5. I am a keeper of secrets

6. I am a closet singer

7. I am a veteran in CLL and it’s treatments

8. I am a survivor

9. I am an OAP with a Pension, hooray

10. I am blessed

11. I am someone who prays

12. I am a winner of holidays, prizes and premium bonds

13. I am a believer in angels

14. I am a good friend

15. I am excellent at hugging and do it wherever and whenever I can

16. I am a writer who expresses herself better on paper than using the spoken word

17. I am like an iceberg, most of me is hidden below the surface

18. I am like a flower who blossoms when I am loved

19. I am a daughter with no parents

20. I am a still the child who was ‘born without shame or blame and truly faultless’ (Bernie Seigel), although I may have gathered a few faults along the way!

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